DeNaye' self-published her first book! Confidence, Lipstick and Criminal Justice.

This book is to shed some light on preparations for undergraduate women starting a career in the criminal justice field. Dive into the book as the author DeNaye’ Dotson shares tips, and her experiences as an intern, which led to a journey in the court and corrections of criminal justice.

Confidence, Lipstick and Criminal Justice includes:

  • Tips on the connection of confidence within everyday life challenges.
  • Lipstick (makeup) which is an example to decorate the mind, while simultaneously creating a healthy thought process to feel beautiful from the inside-out. 
  • Tips on an appropriate clothing selection and working with supervisors. 
  • The history of women in the law and the components of criminal justice.
  • Tips on how to have awareness of your surroundings along with reaching out for help.

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Story behind the book...


As a creative person, with a desire to write a book. During the Covid-19 lock down I knew it was time to write my first book. I took a course and was certified as an Authorpreneur, yes!


I used my creative mind and coupled that with my Paralegal degree and  work experience in the criminal justice field to successfully write and self-publish "Confidence, Lipstick and Criminal Justice" to help highlight the connection of confidence and success in every day. I chose Lipstick, in the title to illustrate decorating the mind as well as a healthy process of self-care. The book highlights the history of women in the law and safety awareness tips.

The book cover has a woman standing in a cape with a shine of confidence graced across the face, with red lipstick, and a jail cell in the background to represent a symbol of criminal justice.

 By reading this book, the details, encouragement, and tips within the pages you will be investing in yourself and the lives of your friends and family.

Thank you for reading and your support!

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