Who is


DeNaye is a creative woman in business. She uses creativity as a place to release and to regain balance in the mind to help solve problems, stay grounded to nature, as well as to educate people by modeling success. DeNayes’ passion to express herself in creativity-design plays a key role in her success, as she has beautiful handmade personalized gifts, hand-painted vases, jars, acrylic paintings, her own shoe line, and clothing line.


DeNaye’ graduated with a Paralegal degree in 2008 from The University of Akron, which led to hands- on experience in the field of Courts and Corrections. She used her creative mind and coupled that with her work experience in the criminal justice field  to successfully write and self-publish "Confidence, Lipstick and Criminal Justice" to help highlight the connection of confidence and success in every day. DeNaye’ chose Lipstick, in the title to illustrate decorating the mind as well as a healthy process of self-care. The book highlights the history of women in the law and safety awareness tips.


As an Infopreneur providing information to help be well and her health experience (about alkaline water and organic eating, shrinking her fibroids naturally) as well as ways to maximizing your business and yourself!

What is she working on now? Time will tell so follow her on social media, book a one-on-one to help you learn how to maximize yourself and/or business!

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The Author

DeNaye' self-published her first book! Confidence, Lipstick and Criminal Justice.

This book is to shed some light on preparations for undergraduate women starting a career in the criminal justice field. Dive into the book as the author DeNaye’ Dotson shares tips, and her experiences as an intern, which led to a journey in the court and corrections of criminal justice.

Confidence, Lipstick and Criminal Justice.


  • Tips on the connection of confidence within everyday life challenges.
  • Lipstick (makeup) which is an example to decorate the mind, while simultaneously creating a healthy thought process to feel beautiful from the inside-out. 
  • Tips on an appropriate clothing selection, and working with supervisors. 
  • The history of women in the law and the components of criminal justice.
  • Tips on how to have awareness of your surroundings along with reaching out for help.
Read The Story Behind The Book

The Creative | Painter

"We believe that art can help the healing process, encourage self-reflection, imagination and appreciation of beauty." -Fred Slunecka

With creativity as a place to release and to regain balance in the mind. DeNaye' steps into creativity to help solve problems, a stress reliever. From hand-painting styrofoam heads, painting wall art, hand painted vases , jars, to customizing products with delight.

In 2013, DeNaye’ began her business “DaPrayzer Design to serve, and evangelize Jesus Christ to the community, churches, and business’.  Foundational scripture for DaPrayzer Design is Psalms 90:17,  “And let the beauty (favor) of the Lord our God be upon us; and establish thou the work of our hands upon us; yea, the work of our hands establish thou it."

April 2022, DeNaye' was one of the guest speakers at Unleash Your Creativity Summit hosted by Canada's own My Creative Break Organization. Her topic "How Creativity Can Impact, Improve And Empower Us". October 2022 -Hand painted vases were the center of attention on the tables at Akron Crafty Mart's Creative Catapult.

 March 2023, Attended after a personal invite to an Artist show at New York City's The Evac Art Gallery.  August 2023, Featured in an New Hampshire Art Magazine!

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DeNaye’ states: 
 “God has placed in each of us the desire to help and make a difference in others’ lives. I’ve seen God’s purpose for my life through His creative imagination, enabling me to designing products that bring joy and help edify the soul of the people with the Word of God".   

Question, how could you bring more creativity, into your life? 

Click here to view/purchase Art & Digital Prints
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Art & Digital Prints

Need new art to your office, home or business? Click below to view my art that can printed on wall canvases, posters. Digital prints are available also.


DaPrayzer Design Website

Visit the official website.  Subscribe to the newsletter, and explore all the craftiness DaPrayzer Design™️ has to offer!


Social Media Business Pages

Follow DaPrayzer Design's social media business pages! 


The Photographer

Nature Photographer. Taking photos of nature's backyard.

A camera, captures the moment, keepsake of memories, a photo can tell many stories. DeNaye's father had many special cameras.  From Polaroid  (with the instant photo prints) to mini cameras and camcorders.  Her father kept that photogenic vibe throughout her childhood.  Along with her cousin a professional artist and had a way with a camera.  She longed to give it a shot her self to see the world from a lens and an peculiar angle.

   With a high school desire to take photography but took Administrative Office Technology instead.  Photography was still in the heart of DeNaye'.  In 2018 a Nikon was purchased!  Shutter snaps and excitement ran through her veins! Days later...DaPrayzer's Eye was developed.

Years later after joining GuruShots The world's greatest photography game for photographers. With many thousands of photographers around the world. In the Summer of 2020, DeNaye' has taken the lead as an Expert (the 6th level) there are nine levels as Guru being the highest). A guru as selected one of her photos as "Guru's Pick" what a honor!

  The Infopreneur

Need help with your business or individual growth?   DeNaye' is an Infopreneur, who identifies opportunities and information to maximize growth.

Click here to start maximizing your business and yourself!


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